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《建筑工程》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注建筑学理论与建筑设计发展的国际期刊,是建筑学理论与现代建筑工程技术相结合的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有关建筑学研究进展的学术性论文和评论性文章。旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨建筑学理论及其进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,推进建筑学理论和设计方法的发展。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。其中,中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要和关键词。初次投稿请作者按…… 【更多】 《建筑工程》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注建筑学理论与建筑设计发展的国际期刊,是建筑学理论与现代建筑工程技术相结合的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有关建筑学研究进展的学术性论文和评论性文章。旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨建筑学理论及其进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,推进建筑学理论和设计方法的发展。


ISSN Print:2329-8065

ISSN Online:2329-8081


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/ae/


Paper Infomation

Discussion on the Application of VR Technology in Architectural Interior Design

Full Text(PDF, 125KB)

Author: Yu Zhou

Abstract: With the rapid development of science and computer technology in recent years, simple electronic technology can no longer meet people's needs, and VR virtual reality technology came into being. VR virtual reality technology mainly uses the interactive experience in the dynamic three-dimensional space to make us feel immersive. Now when people have higher and higher requirements for living space, the perfect combination of living space design and VR virtual reality technology will become a new development trend of living space design. This paper discusses the application of VR virtual reality technology in modern living space design, and fully analyzes the advantages of VR virtual reality technology itself. Make living space design more and more perfect with the help of VR virtual reality technology.

Keywords: Virtual Reality Technology, Living Space, Interior Design


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