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Transactions on Computer Science and Technology

Transactions on Computer Science and Technology is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of computer science theory and technology application on the combination of computer science and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest power electronics theoretical and technical research improvement in the fields of nature s... [More] Transactions on Computer Science and Technology is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of computer science theory and technology application on the combination of computer science and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest power electronics theoretical and technical research improvement in the fields of nature science, engineering technology, economy and science, report of latest research result, aiming at providing a good communication platform to transfer, share and discuss the theoretical and technical development of computer science theory and technology development for professionals, scholars and researchers in this field, reflecting the academic front level, promote academic change and foster the rapid expansion of computer science theory and application technology.

The journal receives manuscripts written in Chinese or English. As for Chinese papers, the following items in English are indispensible parts of the paper: paper title, author(s), author(s)'affiliation(s), abstract and keywords. If this is the first time you contribute an article to the journal, please format your manuscript as per the sample paper and then submit it into the online submission system. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard copies by Ivy Publisher globally. Therefore, the contributions should not be related to secret. The author takes sole responsibility for his views.

ISSN Print:2327-090X

ISSN Online:2327-0918


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/cst/


Paper Infomation

The Application of Data Encryption Technology in Computer Network Security

Full Text(PDF, 507KB)

Author: Jinfang Zhang

Abstract: The rapid development of information technology has accelerated the arrival of the Internet era. As a representative of information technology, computer network technology has been increasingly applied in many industries and has become a commonly used tool in people's lives and work. The application of computer networks not only improves management efficiency, but also raises some security issues, such as network viruses and information leaks. It is particularly important to choose reasonable data encryption techniques to ensure computer network security. This article combines the actual situation of computer network security management and conducts research on the application of data encryption technology in computer network security, aiming to further promote the development of computer network technology.

Keywords: Data Encryption Technology, Computer Network Security, Application


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[2] 胡冬阳. 数据挖掘技术在计算机网络安全管理中的应用研究 [J]. 软件, 2023, 44 (11): 184-186.

[3] 唐高阳. 数据加密技术在计算机网络安全中的实践探析 [J]. 软件, 2023, 44 (11): 85-87.

[4] 刘姜. 数据加密技术在计算机网络安全领域的应用分析 [J]. 电大理工, 2023, (03): 28-31.

[5] 吴凌云. 数据加密技术在计算机网络安全中的运用分析 [J]. 信息记录材料, 2023, 24 (09): 44-46.

[6] 闫军. 数据加密技术在计算机网络信息安全中的应用研究 [J]. 信息记录材料, 2023, 24 (09): 152-154.

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