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Transactions on Computer Science and Technology

Transactions on Computer Science and Technology is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of computer science theory and technology application on the combination of computer science and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest power electronics theoretical and technical research improvement in the fields of nature s... [More] Transactions on Computer Science and Technology is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of computer science theory and technology application on the combination of computer science and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest power electronics theoretical and technical research improvement in the fields of nature science, engineering technology, economy and science, report of latest research result, aiming at providing a good communication platform to transfer, share and discuss the theoretical and technical development of computer science theory and technology development for professionals, scholars and researchers in this field, reflecting the academic front level, promote academic change and foster the rapid expansion of computer science theory and application technology.

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ISSN Print:2327-090X

ISSN Online:2327-0918


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Paper Infomation

CNN-based Traffic Sign Recognition

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Author: Qingkun Huang, Askar Mijiti

Abstract: Background: The rapid development of the automobile industry has led to an increase in the output and holdings of automobiles year by year, which has brought huge challenges to the current traffic management. Method: This paper adopts a traffic sign recognition technology based on deep convolution neural network (CNN): step 1, preprocess the collected traffic sign images through gray processing and near interpolation; step 2, automatically extract image features through the convolutional layer and the pooling layer; step 3, recognize traffic signs through the fully connected layer and the Dropout technology. Purpose: Artificial intelligence technology is applied to traffic management to better realize intelligent traffic assisted driving. Results: This paper adopts an Adam optimization algorithm for calculating the loss value. The average accuracy of the experimental classification is 98.87%. Compared with the traditional gradient descent algorithm, the experimental model can quickly converge in a few iteration cycles.

Keywords: Traffic Sign Recognition, Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Adam Algorithm


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