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Economic Management Journal

ISSN Print:2169-6020

ISSN Online:2169-6039


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/emj


Paper Infomation

Study on the Consumer Credit Development Path of China

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Author: Yifan Ding, Jiasheng Zhu, Junwei Xu, Yunfei Ma

Abstract: With the development of China's market economy, China's consumer credit has also developed rapidly, but there are also problems such as unbalanced credit structure and uneven regional development. Based on the perspective of supply-side reforms, this article analyzes the opportunities and risks of China's consumer credit development, and puts forward practical and effective suggestions for problems, which is of great significance to the promotion of the healthy development of China's consumer credit.

Keywords: Consumer Credit, Credit Development Risks, Credit Development Opportunities, Countermeasures


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