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Economic Management Journal

ISSN Print:2169-6020

ISSN Online:2169-6039


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/emj


Paper Infomation

Empirical Research on the Influencing Factors of the Performance of China's Internet Listed Companies

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Author: Mengqi Rao

Abstract: China's Internet industry is in a stage of vigorous growth, but there is still a gap compared with advanced countries, and the path to become a global leader in network innovation remains to be further explored. At present, the Internet industry has a wide range of business areas and increasingly fierce competition. In this situation, various Internet companies should take improving performance as a long-term battle and constantly optimize their strategic advantages. Through empirical research, this paper analyzes how various factors affect the earnings per share of Internet listed companies, including asset-liability ratio, total shareholding ratio of the top ten shareholders, and return on human investment. The results show that high asset-liability ratio has a negative effect on the performance of listed companies; the size of employees, education, and technical teams, the return on human investment has a positive effect on the company's performance; while other factors have little or no significant impact on the company's performance. Therefore, this study provides useful suggestions for promoting the healthy development of China's Internet listed companies, in order to achieve better business results.

Keywords: China Internet, Listed Companies, Performance, Panel Data


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