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Economic Management Journal

ISSN Print:2169-6020

ISSN Online:2169-6039


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/emj


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Research on the Current Situation and Governance Path of Big Data Discriminatory Pricing from the Perspective of Price Discrimination

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Author: Yijia Wu, Limeng Liu, Xuejie Wen

Abstract: The widespread popularity of the internet and the rapid development of big data technology have provided internet platforms with opportunities to offer personalized pricing and services. However, this has also led to the issue of "big data discriminatory pricing". To address this problem, this article explains the phenomenon of big data discriminatory pricing from the perspective of price discrimination. By analyzing cases and the governance challenges faced, it proposes corresponding countermeasures and solutions. Only through the coordinated efforts from legal, platform, consumer, and technological perspectives can the inflation of big data discriminatory pricing be effectively curbed. This approach promotes fair competition, protects consumer rights, and maintains good social order.

Keywords: Big Data, Big Data Discriminatory Pricing, Price Discrimination, Consumer Rights and Interests


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