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Journal of Modern Agriculture

ISSN Print:2169-592X

ISSN Online:2169-5938


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/jma


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Classification and Application of Landscape Agriculture in Rural Leisure Tourism

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Author: Chunli Yang, Meibin Guo

Abstract: The core content of beautiful countryside construction is to construct and implement modern landscape agriculture planning. The basic work of landscape agriculture planning and management is to classify landscape agriculture. In view of the requirements of new rural construction and the characteristics of agricultural land consolidation in China, this paper is based on the functions of landscape agriculture, location and farmers' economic behavior modification methods and topographic position index. A rural scale functional classification method for landscape agriculture was proposed, which is a secondary classification system using landscape and landscape subcategories. The method takes into account the dominant functions and spatial morphological characteristics of landscape agriculture, and can meet the needs of landscape agriculture planning in beautiful rural construction.

Keywords: Rural Leisure Tourism; Landscape Agriculture; Classification


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