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Journal of Modern Agriculture

ISSN Print:2169-592X

ISSN Online:2169-5938


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/jma


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Study on the Application of Energy-Saving Materials in the Existing Farm Houses in Northern China

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Author: Wenjia Li, Xiangri Cui

Abstract: For a long time, the architectural characteristics of rural areas in northern China are large occupation of land, low level of construction technology, lack of scientific nature, neglect of the most basic thermal performance and comfort requirements of buildings, low energy utilization ratio, resulting in low land utilization rate of agricultural houses, poor thermal insulation performance, high energy consumption and low comfort, which violate the principle of sustainable development of energy conservation. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of life of farmers to conform to the sustainable development of energy, this paper puts forward the research and transformation of the existing agricultural houses, the scientific formulation of the planning system of agricultural houses, and the promotion of building energy saving and the development of energy-saving buildings in rural areas of the north according to local conditions. It is decided to study and transform the energy-saving materials and the space of agricultural houses in northern China, so as to create an indoor environment for farmers in northern China, which is not only comfortable, but also does not cause a large amount of energy consumption.

Keywords: Energy Saving Transformation, Enclosure Structure, Thermal Performance, Agricultural House Space


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