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Effects of Plant Growth Regulators at the First Week of Anthesis on Fruit Setting and Quality in 4-Year-Old Macadamia Variety HASE695
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Author: Jinyun Zhang, Yao Liu, Guang Yang, Jie Song, Guifang Yang, Shijun Wu
Abstract: Low fruit setting is one of the major barriers restricting the production of macadamia. High physiological dropping is the key essential biological reason for low fruit setting in macadamia. Most of the previous studies on fruit setting rate focus on improving the fruit setting of flower bud differentiation stage and fruit setting stage, and there are no effective approaches to improving the fruit set-ting during the first week of anthesis stage. The objective of this study was to figure out more effective ways to increase the fruit setting of macadamia by spraying plant growth regulators at the first week of blooming stage. Currently, in the production and cultivation management of macadamia nuts, targeted and reasonable measures for protecting flowers and fruits during the flowering and fruiting periods in Australian orchards need to be developed. The application and concentration of different plant growth regulators in different geographical and climatic conditions still need to be further improved, in order to achieve high yield and quality of macadamia nuts. At present, research reports on the flower and fruit preservation of macadamia nuts mainly focus on some single plant growth regulators such as gibberellin (GA3), naphthylacetic acid (NAA), and 2,4-D to regulate the growth and development mechanism of macadamia nuts. There are few studies on the interaction between various plant growth regulators used in macadamia nuts, and future research should consider the impact of the interaction between different plant growth regulators on the yield and quality of macadamia nuts, The intrinsic mechanism of increasing the yield of macadamia nuts through the mixed application of multiple plant growth regulators.
Keywords: Plant Growth Regulators, GA3, BR, CPPU, Fruit Shape Index
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