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Journal of Modern Agriculture

ISSN Print:2169-592X

ISSN Online:2169-5938


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Optimization of Preparation of Macadamia Nut Oil by Supercritical CO2 Extraction

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Author: Yao Liu, Guang Yang, Jialiag Zhuo, Yufei Chen, Shijun Wu

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to optimize the supercritical CO2 extraction process of macadamia nut oil, improve the yield and quality of macadamia nut oil, and provide reference for the development and utilization of macadamia nut oil products. Single factor experiment and response surface methodology were used to optimize the process of supercritical CO2 extraction of macadamia nut oil, and the fatty acid composition, polyphenols, squalene, sterol and other active components of hard macadamia nut oil under the optimal conditions were analyzed by GC/MS, Folin Ciocalteui and other national standard methods. The results showed that the influence degree of each factor was as follows: extraction temperature (A)>extraction pressure (B)>extraction time (C); AB, AC and BC had no significant effect on the yield of macadamia nut oil in the interaction terms. The effect of AB, AC and BC on the yield of macadamia nut oil was AC>BC>AB. The optimum process conditions of Macadamia nut oil obtained by response surface methodology were as follows: the extraction temperature was 51 ℃, the pressure was 28 MPa, and the extraction time was 2.6 h. Under this condition, the theoretical predicted yield of Macadamia nut oil was 73.35%, and the actual yield was 72.55%. The theoretical predicted value was basically consistent with the actual measured value. Macadamia nut oil was analyzed by GC/MS and 13 fatty acids were identified, among which oleic acid, palmitoleic acid and palmitic acid were relatively high, 34.572%, 9.001% and 5.876% respectively. The acid value and peroxide value of macadamia nut oil are 0.4 mg/g and 4.13 mmol/kg respectively, which meet the Chinese edible oil standard. The content of sterol, polyphenol and squalene is 0.24 g/100g and 26.4 respectively μ G/g and 37.3 mg/100g. Chlorophyll and vitamin E were not detected. The results of this study can provide some reference for the subsequent development of macadamia nut oil products.

Keywords: Macadamia Nut Oil, Supercritical CO2 Extraction, Response Surface Methodology, Quality Analysis


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