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Mechanical Engineering and Design

Mechanical Engineering and Design is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of mechanical engineering theory and technology application, on the combination of mechanical theory and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest mechanical engineering design theory research improvement in the fields of nature science, engin... [More] Mechanical Engineering and Design is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of mechanical engineering theory and technology application, on the combination of mechanical theory and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest mechanical engineering design theory research improvement in the fields of nature science, engineering technology, economy and science, report of latest research result, aiming at providing a good communication platform to transfer, share and discuss the theoretical and technical development of mechanical engineering technology theory for professionals, scholars and researchers in this field, reflecting the academic front level, promote academic change and foster the rapid expansion of mechanical manufacture, mechanical technology theory and technology research.

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ISSN Print:2327-0543

ISSN Online:2327-0624


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/med/


Paper Infomation

Statics Analysis and Fatigue Analysis on Double Telescopic Column of Hydraulic Support

Full Text(PDF, 322KB)

Author: Youjin Gao, Tingsheng Zhao

Abstract: The statics analysis and fatigue analysis on double telescopic columns are studied in this paper. First, based on the actual mechanical conditions, which the column are subjected, the mechanical calculation model is established. The reasonable assumptions of the load and boundary conditions for the model are proposed. Considering the actual force and deformation state of the column, the revised deformation compatibility conditions for the longitudinal bending beam model are presented. For each column component, the deflection, angle, maximum bending moment and its position are calculated under two load conditions, respectively. Then, according to the fourth strength theory, the combined stress of each part are calculated. The numerical results show that the revised continuity boundary conditions reflect actual force and deformation state of the column better. Second, according to the fatigue test datum of the double telescopic column, the strain history is processed statistically to determine the working cycle by the rain flow counting algorithm. Based on the linear cumulative fatigue damage theory and the assumption of equivalent damage, fatigue life of each column component is estimated.

Keywords: Double Telescopic Column; Statics Analysis; Deformation Compatibility; Fatigue Life


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