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《管理科学与研究》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注管理科学理论与研究发展的国际期刊,是当代管理科学理论与现代产业相结合的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有关管理科学理论与方法,及其在自然科学、工程技术、经济和社会等各领域内的最新研究进展的学术性论文和评论性文章。旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨管理科学方法最新进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,推进管理科学理论和应用方法的发展。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。其中…… 【更多】 《管理科学与研究》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注管理科学理论与研究发展的国际期刊,是当代管理科学理论与现代产业相结合的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有关管理科学理论与方法,及其在自然科学、工程技术、经济和社会等各领域内的最新研究进展的学术性论文和评论性文章。旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨管理科学方法最新进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,推进管理科学理论和应用方法的发展。


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ISSN Online:2326-8727


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Paper Infomation

On the Evolutionary Characteristics and Exploitation Tactics of Wuhan Inbound Tourism Markets in 2000-2016

Full Text(PDF, 2147KB)

Author: Xun Liu

Abstract: According to the data source from the Yearbook of China Tourism Statistics(2000-2017) and the China Tourism Statistics Bulletin, this paper studied on the developing trend and exploitation tactics of Wuhan inbound tourism markets 2000-2016 with the temporal concentration and dynamic index, market competition state and evolution and so on, and delineated the characteristics of Wuhan's inbound tourism markets. Based on the index of market competition state and evolution, the structure of Wuhan inbound tourism market needs to be optimized in 2000 to 2004, and gradually get better in 2005 to 2010, and naturally increasingly rational and sustainable from 2012 to 2016. Gradually, although the overall inbound tourism market in Wuhan fluctuates, it is generally stable and positive since 2000, and the market structure is becoming more reasonable and sustainable. From the evolutionary characteristics, Wuhan has formed dynamic inbound tourism markets such as Japan, France, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States, bonus inbound tourism markets such as Germany, developing inbound tourism markets such as Britain and Australia, potential inbound tourism market like South Korea, General inbound tourism markets such as Canada, Malaysia and Singapore, and marginal inbound tourism markets such as Philippines, Thailand, Russia, Macao, etc. The Wuhan inbound tourist source is well-developed in a healthy and sustaining way, and has so good prospects for inbound tourism. From the development trend, as the major inbound tourism market, Japan, USA, Hong Kong, Taiwan and France with a strong markets’ development tendency, and Korea is also expected to develop into a major inbound tourism market in Wuhan, they all will be the most important inbound tourism market in Wuhan in the next few years. By comparison, Germany and Canada have great uncertainties in their Wuhan inbound tourism market development, and in a certain period, they may continue to decline and gradually be replaced by other emerging inbound tourism markets. As the common inbound tourism market, Britain, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia with a smooth markets development tendency. However, the inbound tourism markets of Thailand, Philippines, Russia and Macao in Wuhan are developing slowly. From the perspective of development strategy, Wuhan should take Japan, France, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States and Korea as the main and key inbound tourism markets in the future, and pay more attention to strengthen market research and segmentation, to upgrading tourism products, to the publicity and promotion of Wuhan's core tourism culture, to strengthen tourism cooperation and complementarity with surrounding cities and so on. Similar development strategies can be carried out in the inbound tourism markets of Britain and Australia, but it is more appropriate to invest resources and energy properly. On the other hand, the structure and mix of inbound tourism products should be improved and reformed in Germany and Australia's inbound tourism market in Wuhan, and innovation of more and more theme products also would be very important, at the same time, efforts should be made to guide tourism demands and improve the reception level and ability of Wuhan tourism industry. It is inappropriate to devote too much development energy to the general and marginal inbound tourism market in Wuhan soon, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Macao, Russia, Philippines and Thailand, and so on. The comparative analysis research approaches and ideas with phased temporal concentration and dynamic index, market competition state and evolution, et al. are useful and creative in the field of inbound tourism market research.

Keywords: Wuhan Inbound Tourism Market, Evolutionary Characteristics, Exploitation Tactics


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