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《管理科学与研究》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注管理科学理论与研究发展的国际期刊,是当代管理科学理论与现代产业相结合的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有关管理科学理论与方法,及其在自然科学、工程技术、经济和社会等各领域内的最新研究进展的学术性论文和评论性文章。旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨管理科学方法最新进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,推进管理科学理论和应用方法的发展。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。其中…… 【更多】 《管理科学与研究》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注管理科学理论与研究发展的国际期刊,是当代管理科学理论与现代产业相结合的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有关管理科学理论与方法,及其在自然科学、工程技术、经济和社会等各领域内的最新研究进展的学术性论文和评论性文章。旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨管理科学方法最新进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,推进管理科学理论和应用方法的发展。


ISSN Print:2326-8689

ISSN Online:2326-8727


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/msr/


Paper Infomation

Research on Financing Problems of Private High-Tech Enterprises — Take DL Company as an Example

Full Text(PDF, 313KB)

Author: Yong Dai

Abstract: Private high-tech enterprises have made huge contributions to the development of China; however, their own management risk is too big, the financing cost is high, the financing structure and scale are often unreasonable, there has been a large financing problem. For the majority of private high-tech enterprises, capital is the blood of enterprise development, the lack of capital will have a significant impact on the operation of enterprises, so reducing financing risks has become a problem that private high-tech enterprises must solve. This paper uses case analysis method to study the financing risk of DL Company. It is found that the low turnover rate of accounts receivable and the high proportion of short-term loans have a negative impact on the financing risk of DL Company. Combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, the paper analyzes the main reasons for the financing risk are the inadequacy of accounts receivable control and the existing problems in marketing channels. Finally, the paper gives some suggestions to reduce financing risk from the aspects of appropriately reducing short-term borrowing investment and actively collecting receivables. The research results of this paper have great significance for controlling financing risk.

Keywords: Financing Risk, Financing Measures, Elements of Classification


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