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《现代交通》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注交通建设及运输管理的综合性国际期刊,主要刊登有关交通工程学、系统工程学、道路工程学等领域内最新研究进展的学术性论文、评论性文章和研究综述性文章,旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员、管理人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨学科研究进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,把握交通运输技术理论和实践前沿、研究水平和发展方向。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。其中,中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要…… 【更多】 《现代交通》是IVY出版社旗下的一本关注交通建设及运输管理的综合性国际期刊,主要刊登有关交通工程学、系统工程学、道路工程学等领域内最新研究进展的学术性论文、评论性文章和研究综述性文章,旨在为该领域内的专家、学者、科研人员、管理人员提供一个良好的传播、分享和探讨学科研究进展的交流平台,反映学术前沿水平,促进学术交流,把握交通运输技术理论和实践前沿、研究水平和发展方向。


ISSN Print:2327-0713

ISSN Online:2327-1027


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/mt/


Paper Infomation

Research Prospect on the Relationship between Transportation and Regional Economy in the Hui Nationality Agglomeration of China

Full Text(PDF, 116KB)

Author: Changxi Ma, Lei Qi

Abstract: Transportation has a guiding role for economic development and economic structure optimization, economic development will also put forward new requirements for transportation systems continually. In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of Hui ethnic community, it is necessary to research the interactions between transportation and regional economy, coupling relationships and optimization configuration methods of the area systematically. Firstly, the paper analyzes the current research situation on transportation and regional economy, and puts forward the current problems existing in the research. Then, the paper proposes the future research prospects, including the research contents, research difficulties and research ideas. Finally, the paper draws the research conclusion, and points out that the study is helpful to measure and master the condition of transportation and regional economy development in Hui ethnic community, and promote the economic development of ethnic areas.

Keywords: Transportation; Regional Economy; Agglomeration; Optimization


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