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Scientific Journal of Control Engineering

ISSN Print:2167-0196

ISSN Online:2167-020X


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/sjce


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Analysis of Airworthiness and Maintenance Control of Civil Aircraft

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Author: Wenting Zhang

Abstract: With the advancement of globalization and rapid economic development, air transportation has become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. Aircraft provide us with a fast and efficient mode of travel, bridging geographical distances and facilitating cultural exchanges and economic cooperation between countries. However, the safety and reliability of aircraft have increasingly become a concern. Ensuring the airworthiness of civil aircraft and timely maintenance control has become the focus of the aviation industry and researchers. This paper discusses the importance of airworthiness, international and domestic airworthiness standards and regulations, classifications and importance of maintenance, and the application of digital technology in airworthiness and maintenance.

Keywords: Civil Aircraft, Airworthiness, Maintenance Control, Digital Technology


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