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Scientific Journal of E-Business

ISSN Print:2168-5983

ISSN Online:2168-5991


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An Empirical Study of e-Commerce Platform Website Guarantee Mechanism

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Author: Yin-YIh Chang, Shyue-Ping Chi, Yu-Ting Lin, Tsung-Yung Tsay

Abstract: In an online shopping environment, since consumer has no real physical contact with the product, it is very likely that they may have doubt about the product’s information or quality. Therefore, the e-commerce website has provided may measures to boost consumer’s faith and encourage the consumption. This research focus on the e-commerce site’s various guarantee methods (such as: Past Transactions, Seller Certification, National Integrity and Legal Structure) and analyze its effectiveness to gain trust from customers and increase their willingness of consumption. This Research gets 2 results such as: 1). The research shows that the effect of past transactions and seller certification are positively significant to buyer trust capability and leads a positive effect on purchase intention. A consumer will often looks for outside factors such as “Guarantee of Contract”, “Seller’s Rated” and “Third Party Certificate” to help them make decisions; 2). The result shows that the legal structure and national integrity are not positively significant to buyer trust capability. But buyer does knowledge the value of national integrity and agrees that the enforcement of e-commerce law and the existence of internet legal force are indispensable in today’s environment. This Research get 3 results such as: 1. The research shows that the effect of past transactions and seller certification are positively significant to buyer trust capability and leads a positive effect on purchase intention. A consumer will often looks for outside factors such as “Guarantee of Contract”, “Seller’s Rated” and “Third Party Certificate” to help them make decisions. 2. The result shows that the legal structure and national integrity are not positively significant to buyer trust capability. But buyer do knowledge the value of national integrity and agrees that the enforcement of e-commerce law and the existence of internet legal force are indispensable in today’s environment. 3.About the buyer's concerned guarantee, the fist is the “Seller’s guarantee to honor the contract” (in terms of product quality, timely delivery, product warranty, after-sale service etc.), the second is the “Abiding to Fair Trade and Consumer Protection Act and provide trail period to buyer”, the third is “Even without constant supervision, sellers are prone to do the right thing”, and the forth is “The availability of national internet legal force to assist and protect buyers”.

Keywords: Electronic Commerce (EC), Assurance Mechanism, Seller Certification


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