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Scientific Journal of Earth Science

ISSN Print:2167-1532

ISSN Online:2167-1540


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The Research of Secondary Pore Development Characteristics in Fuyu Oil Layer of Daan Oilfield

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Author: Sufeng Chen, Zehan Hao

Abstract: The development of secondary pore is advantageous to the distribution, migration and accumulation of oil and gas, so the secondary pore development zone provides both an effective space and a favorable distribution area for oil and gas reservoir. Statistics show that about there are 3/4 sandstone pores among sandstone pores in oil layer of Daan Fuyu oilfield whose development has played a pivotal role in improving the physical condition of low porosity, and low permeability sandstone in this area. Forming the main reservoir space of the sandstone in this area, secondary porosity is made up of dissolved diagenesis and recrystallization whose main types includes intergranular dissolved pore, intragranular dissolved pore and mould pore and dissolved pore and micro pore in cement. The development of numerous micro cracks in oil layer of Daan Fuyu oilfield promoted the formation of late dissolution properties secondary pore, which under the action of underground fluid also improved the tight sandstone reservoir physical property and ultimately changed the tight sand reservoir.

Keywords: Secondary Pore, Development Characteristic, Daan Oilfield, Fuyu Oil Layer


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