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Scientific Journal of Information Engineering

ISSN Print:2167-0218

ISSN Online:2167-0226


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Research on an Improved P-Q Optimal Control for Three-Phase Inverters

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Author: Huan Wang, Yuxing Dai

Abstract: In order to improve the power control performance of a three-phase inverter in grid-connected mode, this paper presents a novel P-Q controller design method for the three-phase inverter. The core content behind the proposed method is firstly formulating the design problem of P-Q controller for the three-phase inverter as a typical constrained optimization problem, where the ITAE of active power and the ITAE of reactive power are weighed as the optimization objective function. Then, a Multi non-uniform mutation-Genetic Algorithm is designed to solve this formulated problem. At last, the superiority in power control performance of the proposed method to tradition Z-N empirical method is demonstrated by simulation and experimental results on a 2.5kW three-phase grid-connected inverter.

Keywords: Three-Phase Inverters, Improved P-Q Control, Genetic Algorithm


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