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Economic Management Journal

ISSN Print:2169-6020

ISSN Online:2169-6039


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/emj


Paper Infomation

The Construction and Application of a Competency Model for Information Technology Professionals

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Author: Xiaoyun Han

Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology and increasingly fierce market competition, the demand for information technology professionals in enterprises is increasing. In order to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, they need to establish a scientific and reasonable mechanism for talent cultivation and management. This article takes the competency model of information technology professionals as the research object, and constructs a set of models that can comprehensively and accurately evaluate and select information technology professionals, and then explores its application practice in enterprises. The effectiveness and practicality of the model have been verified through the analysis of the application practice of the competency model for information technology professionals. In addition, this article proposes a series of measures to optimize and improve the competency model of information technology professionals, including regular evaluation and revision, attention to industry development trends and technological innovation, strengthening cross industry and international comparative research, and establishing a continuous improvement mechanism, which can ensure the model remain in a constantly optimized and improved state, so as to better meet the development and market needs of the enterprise.

Keywords: Information Technology Professionals, Ability and Quality Model, Construction and Application


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