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Economic Management Journal

ISSN Print:2169-6020

ISSN Online:2169-6039


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/emj


Paper Infomation

Difficulties and Solutions for Enterprises to Realize the Integration of Industry and Finance

Full Text(PDF, 269KB)

Author: Mei Wu

Abstract: This paper studies the difficulties faced by enterprises in realizing the integration of industry and finance. It is found that when enterprises implement the integration of industry and finance, they often face multiple difficulties such as insufficient initiative of business departments to participate in the integration, lack of interdisciplinary talents, slow progress of the integration of industry and finance, low informatization of financial accounting, and limited role of information system. In order to solve these difficulties, this paper puts forward a number of measures, including promoting the change of work thinking mode, enhancing the awareness of the integration of industry and finance, strengthening the training of composite talents, enriching the communication channels of industry and finance, optimizing the comprehensive information platform, and constantly improving the informatization level and ability. This research can provide reference and help for enterprises to achieve the integration of industry and finance.

Keywords: Enterprise, Integration of Industry and Finance, Difficulty, Solution


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