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Mathematical Computation

Mathematical Computation is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of mathematical theory and computing application on the combination of mathematical theory and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest theoretical and apolitical mathematics improvement in the fields of nature science, engineering technology, economy... [More] Mathematical Computation is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of mathematical theory and computing application on the combination of mathematical theory and modern industrial technology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest theoretical and apolitical mathematics improvement in the fields of nature science, engineering technology, economy and science, report of latest research result, aiming at providing a good communication platform to transfer, share and discuss the theoretical and technical development of mathematics theory development for professionals, scholars and researchers in this field, reflecting the academic front level, promote academic change and foster the rapid expansion of mathematics theory and application technology.

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ISSN Print:2327-0519

ISSN Online:2327-0527


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Existence and Uniqueness for Backward Stochastic Differential Equation to Stopping Time

Full Text(PDF, 586KB)

Author: Junjie Bai, Haiyue Jin, Yicheng Hong, Chol Gyu Pak, Mun Chol Kim

Abstract: In this paper, we prove the existence and uniqueness for Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with stopping time as time horizon under the hypothesis that the generator is bounded. We first prove for the stopping time with finite values and for the general stopping time we prove the result taking limit. We suggest a new approach to generalize the results for the case of constant time horizon to the case of stopping time horizon.

Keywords: BSDE (Backward Stochastic Differential Equation), Random Time Horizon, Stopping Time


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