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Scientific Journal of Earth Science

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ISSN Online:2167-1540


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Research of the wetland ecological water demand in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve

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Author: Mei Han, Xiaoyan Yang, Lihua Shi, Cui Zhang, Juan Ni

Abstract: Take the most typical wetland ecosystem of the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve for example to study the water demand in wetland ecosystems.Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve is located at the estuary of both the current and the old flow path of the Yellow River, which is a national nature reserve, was established for protecting native wetland ecosystems and valuable and endangered birds. Wetland in nature reserve are composed by the river wetlands, shallow sea wetlands, newborn estuary muddy wetland and so on. Condition of incoming water and sediment directly affect the evolution trend of the wetland ecosystem in nature reserve. Chose nature reserve as the study area, got the ecological water demand threshold of different levels of development of wetlands by using the functional approach to calculate according to the grade of wetland ecological water demand. The calculated results show that the incoming water of the Yellow River in the normal year can meet the minimum ecological water demand of wetland, but there is a big gap to suitable wetland ecological water demand. The wetland ecosystem is on the stage of unstable degenerate boundary at present. The wetland restoration projects should be done to promote the sustainable development.

Keywords: Yellow River Delta; Nature Reserve; Wetland Ecosystem; Ecological Water Demand; Grade


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