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《教育研究前沿》是一本关注教育学科最新进展的开源国际学术期刊。本刊采用开放获取模式,报道与探讨教育实践、教育理论和教育研究等相关问题,旨在反映教育学科前沿进展及水平,促进学术交流。为国内外教育学科领域的师生、科研人员、行政管理人员以及图书馆工作人员等提供一个良好的交流平台,以推进我国教育事业的发展。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。但中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要和关键词。初次投稿请按照稿件模板排版后在线投稿。录用稿件首先刊发在期…… 【更多】 《教育研究前沿》是一本关注教育学科最新进展的开源国际学术期刊。本刊采用开放获取模式,报道与探讨教育实践、教育理论和教育研究等相关问题,旨在反映教育学科前沿进展及水平,促进学术交流。为国内外教育学科领域的师生、科研人员、行政管理人员以及图书馆工作人员等提供一个良好的交流平台,以推进我国教育事业的发展。

本刊可接收中、英文稿件。但中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要和关键词。初次投稿请按照稿件模板排版后在线投稿。录用稿件首先刊发在期刊网站上,然后由Ivy Publisher出版公司高质量出版,面向全球公开发行。因此,要求来稿均不涉密,文责自负。

ISSN Print:2168-2453

ISSN Online:2168-247X


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Paper Infomation

Practice of Massive Open Online Courses and Existed Problems

Full Text(PDF, 434KB)

Author: Lin Qiao, Juan He

Abstract: As a way of education process reengineering, massive open online courses increase efficiencies in knowledge dissemination and knowledge creation enormously due to the characteristics of openness, massiveness, accessibility and frugalness, and represent the onward direction of the profound amalgamation of technology and education. Massive open online courses make subversive changes in education with a higher degree of probability, which have vast importance to promote equality in education. This paper indicates that massive open online courses is an important supplement to traditional modes of instruction, an impactful method of enhancing the quality of citizens, and an effective approach to lifelong learning for citizens. However, during the practice of massive open online courses, some teaching problems, such as heavier burden of teaching and lower quality of teaching, must be solved. Meanwhile, potential intellectual property issues should be also taken into account in running massive open online courses.

Keywords: Massive Open Online Course; Pedagogy; Higher Education; Intellectual Property


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