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《教育研究前沿》是一本关注教育学科最新进展的开源国际学术期刊。本刊采用开放获取模式,报道与探讨教育实践、教育理论和教育研究等相关问题,旨在反映教育学科前沿进展及水平,促进学术交流。为国内外教育学科领域的师生、科研人员、行政管理人员以及图书馆工作人员等提供一个良好的交流平台,以推进我国教育事业的发展。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。但中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要和关键词。初次投稿请按照稿件模板排版后在线投稿。录用稿件首先刊发在期…… 【更多】 《教育研究前沿》是一本关注教育学科最新进展的开源国际学术期刊。本刊采用开放获取模式,报道与探讨教育实践、教育理论和教育研究等相关问题,旨在反映教育学科前沿进展及水平,促进学术交流。为国内外教育学科领域的师生、科研人员、行政管理人员以及图书馆工作人员等提供一个良好的交流平台,以推进我国教育事业的发展。

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ISSN Online:2168-247X


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Paper Infomation

Exploration of Ideology and Politics Teaching in Vehicle Engineering Experiment Course

Full Text(PDF, 567KB)

Author: Bingfeng Liu, Guanzhe Zhang, Ping Hu, Xi Chen, Yiqun Liu, Jianfeng Wang

Abstract: Under the background of "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Program" and ideology and politics teaching in course, it has become a training goal for colleges and universities to cultivate an engineer with both political integrity and talent. However, it is necessary for colleges and universities to explore and practice how to combine the two skillfully without being abrupt and make students accept them. From the point of view of vehicle engineering experiment course and combining with the current situation of university teaching, this paper makes an in-depth exploration and practice on the ideological and political reform on vehicle engineering experiment course.

Keywords: Vehicle Engineering, Experiment Course, Ideology and Politics Teaching, Education Mode


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