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Education Research Frontier

Education Research Frontier (ERF) is an international open access journal, devoted to supporting a global forum of knowledge of education research for scholars, researchers, administrators and librarians in areas of education research to promote the academic exchange and thus advance the development of education in our country. The goal of ERF is to report and discuss the educational practice, educational theory, educational researches and so on.... [More] Education Research Frontier (ERF) is an international open access journal, devoted to supporting a global forum of knowledge of education research for scholars, researchers, administrators and librarians in areas of education research to promote the academic exchange and thus advance the development of education in our country. The goal of ERF is to report and discuss the educational practice, educational theory, educational researches and so on.

The journal receives manuscripts written in Chinese or English. As for Chinese papers, the following items in English are indispensible parts of the paper: paper title, author(s), author(s)' affiliation(s),abstract and keywords. If this is the first time you contribute an article to the journal, please format your manuscript as per the sample paper and then submit it into the online submission system. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard copies by Ivy Publisher globally. Therefore, the contributions should not be related to secret. The author takes sole responsibility for his views.

ISSN Print:2168-2453

ISSN Online:2168-247X


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/erf


Paper Infomation

Exploration on Ideological and Political Education Path of English Translation Curriculum in Colleges

Full Text(PDF, 36KB)

Author: Yue Shen

Abstract: Universities and colleges take “Three-wide Education” (comprehensive education by all faculties in the whole process) as the overall goal. Under the construction of education system, the integration of ideological and political education into College English translation curriculum has positive practical significance and contemporary significance, which is the mission of the times of “telling Chinese stories well”. Based on the characteristics of College English translation teaching, this paper explores how to integrate ideological and political elements into translation teaching from two aspects: material selection and exercise design, aiming at implementing the basic task of building morality and cultivating people, guiding students to practice socialist core values, and developing high-quality translation talents for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and its culture.

Keywords: English Translation Teaching in Colleges, Ideological and Political Education, Talent Cultivation


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