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《教育研究前沿》是一本关注教育学科最新进展的开源国际学术期刊。本刊采用开放获取模式,报道与探讨教育实践、教育理论和教育研究等相关问题,旨在反映教育学科前沿进展及水平,促进学术交流。为国内外教育学科领域的师生、科研人员、行政管理人员以及图书馆工作人员等提供一个良好的交流平台,以推进我国教育事业的发展。本刊可接收中、英文稿件。但中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要和关键词。初次投稿请按照稿件模板排版后在线投稿。录用稿件首先刊发在期…… 【更多】 《教育研究前沿》是一本关注教育学科最新进展的开源国际学术期刊。本刊采用开放获取模式,报道与探讨教育实践、教育理论和教育研究等相关问题,旨在反映教育学科前沿进展及水平,促进学术交流。为国内外教育学科领域的师生、科研人员、行政管理人员以及图书馆工作人员等提供一个良好的交流平台,以推进我国教育事业的发展。

本刊可接收中、英文稿件。但中文稿件要有详细的英文标题、作者、单位、摘要和关键词。初次投稿请按照稿件模板排版后在线投稿。录用稿件首先刊发在期刊网站上,然后由Ivy Publisher出版公司高质量出版,面向全球公开发行。因此,要求来稿均不涉密,文责自负。

ISSN Print:2168-2453

ISSN Online:2168-247X


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Paper Infomation

Trinity Mode of “Ideological and Political Education, Curriculum Education and Practical Education” During Safety Education for College Students

Full Text(PDF, 368KB)

Author: Yin Li, Jun Han

Abstract: President Xi Jinping firstly put forward the major strategic thought of the overall national security concept at the first meeting of the Central National Security Committee. This is a major innovation of the national security theory by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with the core of the leadership under Xi Jinping, which was used as the action guide for maintaining the national security with Chinese characteristics under the new situation. This paper aims to deeply understand and grasp the important instructions and spirit of the national security proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Based on the overall national security concept, combined with the real situation, innovation and methods of "three comprehensive education" in colleges and universities, the safety education of college students was carried out. By implementing the concept of the overall national security into the practice of college education, a trinity mode of safety education model for university students-ideological and political education, curriculum education and practical education was proposed. At the same time, the national security awareness education, safe curriculum education and safety practice for college students were conducted.

Keywords: University, Safe Education, The Concept of Overall National Security, Trinity Mode of Education


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