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Review in Psychology Research

Review in Psychology Research is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of psychology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest improvement in the fields of educational psychology, applicable psychology and development psychology, report of latest research result, aiming at providing a good communication platform to transfer, share and discuss th... [More] Review in Psychology Research is an international comprehensive professional academic journal of Ivy Publisher, concerning the development of psychology. The main focus of the journal is the academic papers and comments of latest improvement in the fields of educational psychology, applicable psychology and development psychology, report of latest research result, aiming at providing a good communication platform to transfer, share and discuss the theoretical and technical development for professionals, scholars, researchers and medical workers in this field, reflecting the academic front level, promote academic change and seize the theory, practice front line, research level and development direction of modern psychology.

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ISSN Print:2327-0454

ISSN Online:2327-0462


Website: http://www.ivypub.org/rpr/


Paper Infomation

Practical Research of Ideological and Political Education in College English Course Under the Background of New Liberal Arts

Full Text(PDF, 27KB)

Author: Baohua Zhang

Abstract: Under the background of new liberal arts, the integration of ideological and political education into college English course is a must. College English teachers need to fully explore the ideological and political elements and integrate them into college English teaching organically. Based on professor Wen Qiufang’s ideological and political framework for foreign language teaching and the researcher’s own teaching experience, this paper comes up with specific ideological and political implementation framework for college English teaching. Teachers should fully refine ideological and political elements in the teaching materials, design classroom activities carefully, use various extracurricular assignments as supplement of classroom ideological and political education, build a scientific assessment system and create comprehensive reflection approaches to the teaching process. The integration of ideological and political education into college English course is helpful to realize the combination of knowledge impartment, ability development and value guidance and to play its due role in the “great ideological and political education pattern”.

Keywords: New Liberal Arts, College English, Ideological and Political Education


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